lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

Advantages and Disadvantages of being a girl

 by Stephanie Cervera

Being a girl has their advantage and disadvantages at the same time. I know every single girl in the world sometime has feel insecurities and other time feels like the perfect girl in the world.

Every time, when they ask me what is a disadvantages of been a girl, I always think that women have had pass through so many things, like insecurities .I think every single woman or girl in the world is beautiful in every single way, but sometimes they don´t feel like that, and they only think that they are fat or ugly. I think if you have a friend or not even your friend, you should help her to avoid that negatives comments.

Other disadvantages are that “men” use us like a toy. I think is the worst feeling in the world, no woman should be treated in a bad and disrespectful way; you need to treat them with respect. I you are suffering because a man is mistreating you, don´t keep it to yourself; you are the one who can make a difference.

Even though women suffer a lot, one and the most important advantage for me, is giving birth. Giving birth is the best thing God gave us; you can make a new life. Another thing is that we are more responsible and sometimes or always we are more intelligent.

I think been a woman or a girl is like a job, is vet difficult. We go through many things, but if women didn´t exist, the world wouldn´t exist.

Xavier’s excellent xylophone

by Ana Paulina Riancho Castro
Xavier has a big xylophone,it likes to dance and sing, it loves to be in the ocean, and lives inside a ship. It likes to show it skills infront of every kid, it makes a lot of shows, for people to shake their hands to the rythm of the song.

The xylophone fell from the stage and broke a leg, it made an X-ray to know if it was OK. It jumped,screamed and shouted, its leg was very hurt. There was a lot of noise, the people was very loud, the xylophone made them shut up, for him to sleep.

The turtle

By: Ana Paulina Riancho Castro

It wishes to be as swift as a cheeta,
But it stills being as  slow as a snail;
It’s tiny as a microbacteria,
But brave as a lion that plays;
It has a beautiful shell,
As bright as a diamond
And hard like a rock;
It can be very quiet,
But when it is endangered
You can hear it “roar”.
It’s tiny as a mouse
And as brave as Indiana Jones,
It feels big as an elephant
And acts like a shy baby dog;
It can see as sad as a hungry baby,
But if you get to meet it,
You can see it’s happy as a funny clown;
On earth it is very slow,
But in water as fast as a plane;
Don’t reject them at all
Because you canfind a very good friend.

Advantages & Disadvantages of being a girl


by Ana Paulina Riancho Castro

Many people, many of them boys, think being a girl is easy, you don’y have to worry about sweat, being a mess, getting organized, understanding your own notes, and many other things; but that’s not true, girls have as many problems as boys, even if they are different.

Some of the advantages would be that must of us are cleaner and more organized, but there are some exceptions... Like me! Even if you don’t believe it, 3 of each 10 girls aren’t organized, which means that in the world, a lot of girls are messy and mixed up. If you are one of these girls, don’t worry, remember you are not alone.

Also, we can like different artists WITHOUT being bothered with it, like 1D, Justin Bieber, The Wanted, Ed Sheeran, and many others. Why? Because of the society, if a girl likes this kind of artists is OK, but if a boy likes them, he is being bullied and bothered, like being called gay and that kind of stuff. An 87% of the girls in the world are fans of this famous people, but lots of them get very obsessed and achieve the point when they "literally" know everything about them, and let me tell you, it’s kind of creepy.

As well, most of us are responsible too, because we mature faster than boys, but it not always goes well. One of the disadvantages of being a girl is related with this advantage, and you may be confused, it’s because we get the “period”. It is something horrible, you always have to know what clothes you can’t use during that time, what are the activities you can’t do; like going in a swimming pool, and also, your mood frequently changes, and it will be something weird for the people you are with. And what’s the worst thing?  It HURTS, from the “h” to the “s”, you can feel it. I think a 100% of girls hate having their period.

I could keep talking about the advantages and disadvantages all day, but I want you to know, even if you would rather be a boy instead of a girl, you’ll have the same amount of advantages and disadvantages, they could be different or alike, but you can’t change yourself.

Here’s my advice- “love yourself like you are, because if you don’t love yourself, you won’t be able to love”.

“Advantages and disadvantages of being a girl”

by Paola Alvarado

We are about 3,523,843,881 women in the world and usually, most of us just talk about the disadvantages we have, but why don´t we ask ourselves which ones are the advantages of being a girl?                                                                                                     

Girls have as many disadvantages as advantages, and we have to learn to be happy with what we have. We have one of the best advantages we can ever imagine and it´s giving birth.

Giving birth is an opportunity only girls can have. The fact of having your own baby to take care of should undoubtedly be the best feeling in life. Many girls all around the world think giving birth is a joke and that´s why they are 80 million unwanted pregnancies and about 40 million of those pregnancies are aborts, after they abort about 90% of them feel guilty of their decision. This is something serious, something we have to take care of, not just throw it away like a toy.

Girls tend to be more organized too. This is a really good advantage because you can either use it in school or when you grow up at your own house. According to a study made by The Journal of Human Resources, girls always do better than guys at school  because we pay more attention and we are much more organized than them so as a result we get better grades. Imagine, just in my class the average of the girls´grade is 9.1 while the boys´average is 7.8, so it definitely makes the difference.

Even though we have really good advantages, sadly we aren´t perfect so we have disadvantages too.

One of the worst disadvantages is that we have periods. Periods can get really painful and we can even change our mood really fast, which could make people think we are bipolar. One of my parent´s friend is a pediatrician at Star Medica and he told me that most of the patient´s parents´number one concern is about their daughter´s period. He also told me that many of his patients are even scared that during the cycle they will suffer any injuries or any problems. We can all get scared but it´s something we have to live with.

 Another is that girls suffer a lot of discrimination. Mostly boys discriminate us because they think we can´t do thing as well done as them, that´s why 1/3 of the women in the world suffer discrimination in their workplace. Another form of discrimination that women suffered was when they were not even able to vote for their governants until October 17, 1953. Anyway, never let anyone discriminate you, discrimination isn´t good that´s why we have to learn to fight for our rights.

As a conclusión, girls aren´t perfect, but we don´t only have to focus in our advantages because we are all perseverant women who are capable of doing everything we want to in life.

Slippery Sue the Sleek Seal

by Paola Alvarado

Oh look! Slippery Sue! The Sleek Seal! She is swimming in the ocean seeking for a secure place to seat. Her shimmery skin made ir slightly difficult for her to sit any season of the year either in the shore or simply on a seat in a rock. Single with the silence, she continued searching for a place to have a siesta ´til she saw a singular place where to sing, sleep and seat happily with her Little slice of seafish.

domingo, 16 de febrero de 2014

Tovah´s tasty treats.

                    By: Jessica Macías Z.

Tovah tastes a lot of treats, tasty all of them, one day he tasted a tiramizuwith tutsi-pop topping made by the top attractive chefTovah traded thetiramizu for his favorite tea-pot toy. But then his teacher told him a tragic story. Tovah transformed into a transparent T-rex, tears of joy fell while a transformer took him to a tropical place. Today Tovah still eats tasty treats and tries to tickle people. 

The Villainous, Venomous Viper

By Valeria Naranjo

Vicky the Viper had lots of vanity. She bragged being a villain of value, the very best of the valley. Vicky the Viper remained a villain, behaving bad with all the beings.
Venomous poison through her veins, various villagers feared her. So Venomous Vicky the Viper felt alone, vulnerable to madness she was then, so she kept her vandalism to herself.
One day a blackbird came, “Vicky the Viper how was your day?”
Vicky the Viper looked at him, her villainous temper was all fake, “You should run now safe and sound, I could bite you like bird of prey right now.”
The blackbird was brave and had a kind heart, “I don’t fear you, if you attempt to bite in vain, I can fly to that bush or vine. Besides, every villager seeking friendship deserves a chance.”